The Story of Esther...

“Remember who you are. Who knows but that you
were born for such a time as this.”
Esther 4:14

Esther was a beautiful woman who knew
loneliness and suffering. When faced with a
major crisis in her life, she remembered the
strong women who had gone before her.
For three days, she struggled alone in the depths
of her spirit. There she came face to face with a
power greater than herself that gave her courage
and direction. She felt her fear and at the same
time became aware of her strength and her
freedom to decide.

Esther was a woman who let herself be challenged
to move beyond where she was
to where she could be

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Esther House receives an annual grant from Manitoba Health and relies on additional grants and donations.

Donations are gratefully accepted and can be filled in online by clicking below 
Donate Now Through!
or mailed to:

Box 68022
RPO Osborne Village
Winnipeg, Manitoba R3L 2V9

Revenue Canada Charitable Registration Number
#88738 7231 RR0001
